
The Cornell color palette has primary, secondary and accent colors, which can all be viewed here. Cornell’s primary color will always be Cornell Red, and it’s always a good idea to use this color as your main (or even the only) color in your designs. For additional flexibility and distinctiveness, we narrowed in on two of the colors from the Cornell palette and added a few additional accent colors.

Derivative Colors

To provide depth and variety, a couple of lighter or darker versions of the blue, green-gray and yellow colors can be used occasionally. These variations allow for subtle design effects.

Potential color combinations

These colors work well together in a composition. Use one color as the dominant one, while another (sometimes two) can serve as accents if used sparingly.

Text and color combinations

We always want to make sure our text is legible and meets accessibility standards. The below options are recommended.

Darks are great as background color with white text, while lights are great as backgrounds for black text. For running text, use a light background with dark text to avoid eye-straining.
